

It all started when…

I was in my early teens and it was professed to me that I wad going to be a voice. That just didn’t make any sense to me at the time because I was a shy, soft-spoken, awkward teenager. What did I have to say? And if I said it, who was going to listen? Fast forward to twenty years old when I was living in Los Angeles; that’s where I discovered my love for photography and capturing precious moments. It was in the midst of that time I was developing my career that someone told, “Joshua, you don’t say much, but your work speaks volume. You can tell what all you have to say through your work.” That’s when everything started really changing for me.

Over time, I kept honing in on and developing my craft. I really wanted to explore what I wanted and needed to say as an artist. I started traveling and searching for stories that needed to be captured. Those explorations have taken me across the United States and to nearly a dozen countries. Recently in the midst of all of my adventuring, I was reminded of what I was told back when I was a teenager. 

There are so many stories out there that deserve their chance to be told, there are so many moments that need to be documented.  Moments of ministry when people come to the realization that there is a God who loves them, moments of joy and miracles. When I was young, I always told people that I wanted to be a missionary; I loved travel, I loved Jesus, and it just made sense in my adolescent mind. I’m not a pastor, I’m not a theologian, and I’m not a minister. I’m a photographer and a documenter. I know my namesake, that I am supposed to spread the good news of what has happened and is happening. It’s a responsibility that more often than not truly feels like a privilege. You can see in a photo of the face of a child the pain that they’ve already experienced but also the hope that their adolescent spirits are holding onto. The privilege comes in meeting these children and these people where they're at and being a part of that story.

Jesus hammered in the command to walk by faith and not by sight. But He still emphasized the importance of vision and telling the tales of what good has happened. I’ve had the incredible benefit of witnessing so many beautiful moments, but there’s so many more out there that need to be shared. I invite you to join me on this incredble journey by signing up for email updates and finding out about ways you can provide support for these endeavors below.



The biggest goal of my ministerial endeavors is to embark on a journey worth sharing with others. In doing so, I wanted to create the opportunity for others to partner with me and be a part of the stories I capture in their own special way.

The organizations I work with are not always equipped to handle all fees and expenses. However, I do accept contributions and partnerships so I can continue to provide my services to as many people as possible. The more financial support and resources I have, the more stories I am able to capture.

Your financial support is welcomed and appreciated.


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
— Ephesians 2:10


We are all partners on this journey together. If you'd like to stay up to date on my travels and endeavors, fill out the form below with all of your contact information. Also be sure to follow me on all of my social media platforms to know where I'm at and what I'm working on.